Division of Laser and Atomic R&D

Division of Laser and Atomic Research and Development has been founded to perform basic research in the field of laser and atomic physics. Using this knowledge and experience, the Division has grown up into a larger division with the primary task to expand results from the basic research into applied research and development.

The current development activities in the Division are oriented mainly to development of optical and optoelectronical devices, sometimes also laser based devices. Starting from results of applied research, we proceed with the development. The development is done simultaneously in the fields of optical systems design, thin film optical multilayers, optoelectronical devices application and optomechanical CAD. The newes breakthrough has been done in the development of devices for photodinamic diagnostics and therapy of tumors. The final results of our extended development activities can be found if you browse through our products: medical and defence.



Division conducts research on optical thin-film systems and imaging and non-imaging optics, as well as in the field of blind signal processing and multispectral data analysis.


Divisions has long experience in development and manufacturing of medical and military devices.


Division is determined to become center of excellence in the field of photonics.